Welcome, my name is Jason Calderon, I'm dermatologist from University of Florida (U.S.). I want to share in this blog methods to control hyperhidrosis, and my experience in various treatments. I hope to help!

How to Stop Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating a body part is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In the West, 1 in 25 people suffer and in Asia, 1 in 5 people, between 1% and 3% of a population suffers from this disease, which is characterized by the sweating in a region of the body, not controlled by the conscious, which leads to a loss of confidence in themselves as well as being a personal illness, since there are different types of patterns.
How to Stop Hyperhidrosis? How to Stop Sweating?
Two thirds of the sweat glands in men and women are located in the hands. Sweating is a physiological phenomenon of our body designed to maintain a stable body temperature of 37 ° C. By evaporation of sweat is consumed excess heat from the body and, in a situation of excessive heat, it allows the removal of heat and thereby protecting the body. This mechanism is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and, more specifically, the sympathetic system. There is talk of hyperhidrosis when regulating this mechanism is altered and excessive sweating occurs somewhere in the body. The most common manifestation of hyperhidrosis is called "Hyperhidrosis". However, hyperhidrosis can also affect other areas of the body, such as the armpits, feet, trunk and thighs. About 1% to 3% of the population suffers from hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary, by cause. Is called primary when we are facing a phenomenon idiopathic (whose causes are not known). This is the most common form. It usually begins in adolescence. Anxiety can be a trigger hyperhidrosis rate, but often, establishing a vicious circle: Sweating creates anxiety and, in turn, creates more anxiety sweating. Hyperhidrosis creates social inhibition, as t-shirts or shirts have large sweat stains on the armpits. Secondary hyperhidrosis is spoken of when it is a manifestation of another disease process, such as hyperthyroidism, hormonal therapy or hormonal dysfunction (menopause, psychiatric illnesses).

A condition is very debilitating to the patient's life and at the same time, little known up to the same physicians or specialists in the skin, which makes these patients feel totally disadvantaged and with great psychological trauma because it is a circle one cycle that ends. They just feel excluded from society and do not know what to do, so try several treatments which have momentary results and too few troops. There is loss of confidence in themselves, usually do not shake hands, which affects the individual's relationship with the people around you, because I feel afraid that wet. 

The sweating can occur at any time, even in cold and quiet moments. They can not stop sweating even if they wanted and not control it. Since newborn babies with the syndrome have hands or feet are wet. These patients are very poorly understood because, until much of their doctors, are unaware of this pathology and dismiss the patient and just go around the world radically alone, have social isolation, family, work and, often, affective up fear and phobia that know they have hyperhidrosis. 

It is the patient who is always near his washcloth to wipe the sweat, hand, or, those who have always sweaty armpits with sweat stained shirts. It affects women and men regardless of race or age, although some ethnic groups suffer more than others. Sudan despite the temperature of the environment in times of complete tranquility and they are under much more stress sweat. Sweating is profuse, noticeable and disabling. 

As we said is a very little known even by the same doctors and specialists, as well as being very poorly managed, even empirically, with any number of solutions unscientific and not caused by neurosis, nor endocrinological disease and less Moreover, a skin disease. It is a neurological disease and, as such, should be treated. 

As additional information we know that the human body has two types of nervous system, somatic and autonomic. The somatic nervous system or volunteer is the one that gives the sensation of heat, position, pressure, control the muscles that move to adopt different positions we want. The autonomic or involuntary nervous system regulates many of our functions without conscious control, such as heart rate and perspiration, which is important for temperature regulation. Patients with hyperhidrosis are prevented from performing routine activities and crises may be precipitated by stress, emotions, exercise, but can also occur spontaneously.

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